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An Omega Is Chosen
An omega is chosen
Transcript Guide
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"An Alpha Is Chosen"

"A Change Of Heart"

(Episode starts by showing Aphmau's house. The screen then shows Aphmau's bedroom, and Aphmau laying down on her bed with woof next to her. Suddenly, a chancla is thrown onto her)

Aphmau: (sitting up) Ah, w-what the—? Ah! La chancla!

Sylvanna: Wake up, Aphmau! Come on, you've got to get ready!

Aphmau: Mom, it's like, 5 AM!

Sylvanna: I know! You asked me to wake you up so you can go into school at 6 AM for your project!

Aphmau: (yawning) What project? I— uh,


Mr. Gavin: Alright, as alphas, I have to go over introduction with you both.

Aphmau: Huh? Special introduction? Since when?

Mr. Gavin: Since this is the first time we've had this problem, little missy. So I'd like you both to come in tomorrow at 6 AM. If you're both dedicated alphas, you'll come in.

Ein: 6 AM? Got it.

Aphmau: I'm so dedicated to this, I'll totally be there!

(flashback ends)

Aphmau: (yawns again) Mom, I don't have to be there until 6 AM. Why wake me up at 5?

Sylvanna: We both know you take, like, an hour in the bathroom, Mija! Plus, it's dark outside still, and I'm not letting you walk in that. So get ready, and I can take you. Vamenos!

Aphmau: Ugh! I secretly regret being so confident I could make it in at 6 AM!

Woof: Ah, boo hoo! It's your fault for opening your big mouth!

Aphmau: Uh— Quiet, you! Ugh, I'm to tired to deal with you right now.

Woof: Uh huh? All work and no bite. Ah, well, you'd better start getting— (Aphmau interrupts with a snore) Huh? Hey, come on, wake up! (she continues to snore) Agh, hopeless!

Sylvanna: (calling up from downstairs) I hope those snoring sounds I hear have to do with you getting ready! Don't make me get the chancla!

Aphmau: (falling on the floor) Alright, alright! I'm awake!

(The camera changes to show Mr. Gavin, Ein, and Aphmau in the werewolf classroom)

Mr. Gavin: It will be a lot of responsibility. Aphmau learned this firsthand. It's hard to keep order in this pack with just one alpha, so I think this should be a relief for you, Aphmau.

Aphmau: Thank you, Mr. Gavin. Honestly, it's... been a lot of work.

Mr. Gavin: I was going to say, you're even in the mentor program for all students, on top of being alpha female. I'm just glad you have a big enough heart to help.

Aphmau: Well, I wanted to try to be more outgoing this year, heheh.

Mr. Gavin: Either way, thank you both for coming in so early before school. I know it's a lot to ask kids these days to come in an hour early, but honestly, this shows me the dedication you two have as alphas.

Ein: No problem! I'm usually awake this early anyway.

Aphmau: (groans) I'm usually eating breakfast around this time.

Mr. Gavin: Oh yes, that reminds me, there's still the matter of picking a new omega.

Ein: Of course!

Aphmau: (yawning and sort of falling asleep) I love Oreos. I— (waking up) Wait, what?!

Mr Gavin: Well, since Ein here is the new alpha, there has to be an omega.

Aphmau: Are you kidding me?! I could barely choose an alpha! (No, she couldn't choose an alpha. That's why Aaron did it for her) Now you're telling me I have to choose an omega?!

Mr. Gavin: Well, the good part is that it's not just you alone, Ein will be helping you. So I expect you both to pick an omega by the end of the day. That, or one of you could be the omega. I don't want the same fiasco to happen like we had with the alpha.

Aphmau: But I—

Mr. Gavin: THIS IS TOP PRIORITY! I'll leave that up to you two. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the fire hydrant. (He leaves)

Aphmau: There's a fire hydrant?

Ein: Eh, it's like calling a toilet "potty" to the little werewolf kids.

Aphmau: (yawning) Oh, I see. Baby lingo.

Ein: Pretty much. (Aphmau yawns again) You look tired.

Aphmau: Yeah, I am. I'm not used to waking up this early.

Ein: Hm— Oh, I have an idea! Here, have some chocolate!

Aphmau: Hm? Heh, no thanks, Ein. I'm good.

Ein: Oh, come on! Humans like chocolate.

Aphmau: Heh, I mean, you're not wrong. But I don't feel like it right now. Thank you, though.

Ein: Come on, take it!

Aphmau: Hehehe! I'm fine, Ein.

Ein: Here you go, open wide!

Aphmau: Ein, please! Heh, I'm fine!

Ein: Mmm, okay then. I'll just leave it here so you can think about it.

Aphmau: Um, okay then.

(They hear some werewolf students running through the hallway, laughing)

Ein: Huh— Are they running in the halls? Ugh, I'll take care of this.

Aphmau: Hm? Why?

Ein: You didn't see that? Those werewolves were running in the hallways!

Aphmau: Yeah, but it's before school, so I think that's fine. During school, you're absolutely right, though.

Ein: Still...

Aphmau: (yawning) Besides, there are other things we gotta worry about. I really want to talk to you about the omega thing, since you know a lot about it. Which... also reminds me, Do you want to split up taking the two groups of werewolves Mr. Gavin assigned to us? I can take werewolf group A, and you can take group B?

Ein: Ugh. They're still running around.

Aphmau: Ein?

Ein: Gotcha. I'll take group B, and then we'll pick an omega. Now, I'll be right back. Gotta make sure those werewolves know not to run during school hours. (He leaves)

Aphmau: Ein! (sighs) At least he heard me. But, we seriously got to talk about the omega stuff. (yawning) I'm still not sure how I feel about that. Ugh, I'm so tired!

Mr. Gavin: (walking in) Hm? Ah, Aphmau! I thought you'd be off by now!

Aphmau: Nah. I'm still kinda tired.

Mr. Gavin: Well, why don't you sleep at your old desk? If I remember correctly, you were pretty good at doing that during my class last year.

Aphmau: I mean, sleeping is my best subject.

Mr. Gavin: Har har. I see you haven't lost your sass. Hm, which reminds me, you should look at your old desk.

Aphmau: Hm? (She looks over there and sees the flower bouquet that Aaron put on her side of the desk last episode. Then she walks over to them) Oh, wow! How pretty!

Mr. Gavin: I'm pretty sure those are for you.

Aphmau: They are? From who?

Mr. Gavin: Aaron.

Aphmau: Ah! That's right, you said he was here yesterday! I can't believe I missed him. I really should give him a call.

(The bell rings)

Mr. Gavin: Aph-ter school, of course. (Actually, I'm not sure if that pun was intended, but he did pause after the first syllable)

Aphmau: Ugh, really?

Mr. Gavin: I know, I know. But I'm a teacher, I can't let you do that when the school bell rings. Now take your flowers and head to class.

Aphmau: Grrr. (She picks up the flowers and leaves. Mr. Gavin watches her do so)

(Start flashback)

Mr. Gavin: And that, students, is why taking care of your fangs is important. Now, continue to read on the chapter, and we'll discuss afterwards. (He notices Aphmau asleep in the back of the classroom, and walks over to her) Ugh! She's asleep again?!

(The camera turns towards them, and shows Aphmau asleep in Aaron's shoulder. He's blushing)

Aaron: Sir, she's been having a hard time in her classes lately.

Mr. Gavin: That doesn't justify sleeping in my class.

Aaron: Could you please just give her a few minutes? I'll make sure she knows what's going on.

Mr. Gavin: Ugh. Fine, I'll give her a few minutes. But only because you asked. (He walks off, and Aphmau continues to sleep on Aaron's shoulder. He turns his head to look at her)

(Flashback ends)

Mr. Gavin: (sighs) Maybe I should have let her call him. Ah, they'll probably talk later.

(The camera changes to show Sasha and Zenix walking through the mall and into Hot Topic, where Gene is working)

Gene: (on the phone) Seriously, it's been so long. These pictures you got better be good. (the person on the other end says something) Perfect! Then bring them to me, and I'll give you more of the dye. Fair trade, no? (The other person says stuff) (By this point, Sasha and Zenix are standing nearby, waiting for him, but Gene doesn't notice) Perfect! (They say a bit) Cool. Congratulations. I don't care. (The other person says something) Mm hmm. (they say stuff) Yeah, I'll give you some "more advice". (They say stuff) M— wait! Gah! Look, I don't care about whatever you're talking about! Just do what you said you'd do. Now bye!

Zenix: Who you talking to?

Gene: None of your business. What are you guys doing here?

Sasha: Skipping school. Duh.

Gene: Yeah, I can tell. What I'm talking about is, why are you guys in uniform while skipping?!

Zenix: Uh, because we don't care! Haha!

Gene: Yeah, well you look like idiots. Now go buy some clothes here and change. I don't want to be seen around high schoolers during school hours.

Sasha: Yeah, but we want to talk about Zane and his Jury gang.

Zenix: Yeah! He's been recruiting some pretty tough guys! Who knew that loser would be good at this?

Sasha: We're not sure what to do.

Gene: Change first, then we'll talk.

Sasha: Fine, but can we at least get a discount?

Gene: No way! Now go. (they leave) Amateurs, I swear. But Zane starting this other gang, I don't like it one bit.

(The screen changes to show Teony resolving a conflict as a mentor)

Girl 1: And then, s-she took my donut!

Girl 2: It's not my fault! She told me to stop her from eating it!

Girl 1: But I didn't think you'd actually do it! (A quick piece of advice, don't tell someone to do something if you don't want them to do it, because they might actually do it)

Teony: Alright, you two. Calm down. I can see why you didn't take this to the principal. It's an issue that can be easily resolved.

Girls: It can?!

Teony: Of course it can! Because I have an extra donut! (what was it about Ein telling Aphmau that she can't just keep on giving out frisbees when the werewolves get in disagreements about them? The same applies here)

Girl 1: Oh, Teony, you're the best.

Teony: No problem at all. Just remember, you can't ask your friend to do something, and get mad when they hold you to it. That's not a nice thing to do.

Girl 1: I'm sorry. Friends?

Girl 2: Friends!

Teony: Awesome. Now you two get back to lunch. I've got more things to take care of.

(The girls leave, and the screen pans over to show Aphmau, who was sitting at a desk the whole time sleeping and snoring)

Teony: Aphmau? Aphmau... Aphmau!

Aphmau: (waking up) Ah!

Teony: Your nap is over. You gotta get back to your duties.

Aphmau: Ugh.

Teony: Aphmau, are you okay?

Aphmau: No, I'm not. I'm just overwhelmed with a lot of pressure right now.

Teony: I know you are, but we've gotta get back to work. Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda are both out sick, and there are far more mentor issues I need to deal with than I can handle.

Aphmau: I'm really trying, Teony. I'm sorry.

Teony: Oh, it's okay. Now, it you can go run a few rounds around outside and see if anyone needs mentoring, I have another case of a broken friendship coming in soon.

Aphmau: Non't worry, I'm on it! (yawns) I'm on it, I'm totally on it. (She stands up and leaves) Alright, just... walk around and help people out. I can do that. Wait, I also can help with werewolves too as alpha at the same time! Two birds with one stone! Ha, this should be easy! Haha!

(A montage starts of Aphmau helping a guy open his locker by using a crowbar on it, giving a frisbee to a werewolf to solve a disagreement regarding them, cleaning and adding toilet paper to bathroom stalls (one girl went into a stall that still needed toilet paper, so she threw a roll over to her (funny thing, the bathroom doors in PDH cover the entire doorway, so there isn't a space to throw the toilet paper in)), resolving another donut conflict with two girls, resolving a conflict with two werewolves who were fighting on top of the front desk people's desk by threatening them with her chancla. The montage ends with her walking through a hallway, tired, and she sits down on the floor against a wall)

Aphmau: (panting heavily) I can't (pant) keep (pant) running around! I need to rest. (Blaze walks around the corner and sees her)

Blaze: Huh? H-hey, Aphmau! (He walks over to her) Are- are you okay?

Aphmau: (breathes loudly) No, no. (She stands up) I'm not. I just—

Werewolf 1: Hey, that was my donut!

Werewolf 2: Well then, you shouldn't have bumped into me!

(The camera turns over to show 4 werewolves talking together. The middle two are the ones that are fighting)

Werewolf 1: What? You bumped into me!

Aphmau: (sighs) I'll take care of this. (She walks towards the werewolves)

Blaze: Huh? Alpha, wait!

Aphmau: (stopping and turning around) Huh?

Blaze: You look real tired. Maybe you should go sit down.

Aphmau: Heh, really Blaze, I'm fine.

Blaze: I don't think you can fix them in your state. You look exhausted.

Aphmau: Oh, I don't plan to fight them, Blaze. See, I plan to talk to them, and see if I can get them to talk this out.

Blaze: Mm, sounds like something a human would do. But hey, I'm liking your style!

Aphmau: (sighs) Blaze, I am a— (sighs) Never mind.

Blaze: How do you plan to talk to them?

Aphmau: Oh, well, I'm going to go see if I can give the guy who lost his donut this chocolate bar I have, and—

Blaze: What?! N-no way! Nuh uh! Give that to me! (he takes it)

Aphmau: Huh?

Blaze: Werewolves can't have chocolate!

Aphmau: Wait wha? (I'm pretty sure you already know this, Aph)

Blaze: Yeah, something with our biography.

Aphmau: Biology?

Blaze: Yeah, that chemistry stuff. Chocolate can be dangerous to most werewolves. You should know that, you're a—

Aphmau: If you say I'm a werewolf one more time!

Blaze: Either way, you're still our alpha, and you should know this.

Aphmau: (sighs) I'm sorry I snapped at you there, Blaze. I'm just tired.

Blaze: Hey, it's cool! There are some chocolate substitutes for us, but looking at this bar... it definitely isn't one of those.

Aphmau: Then, I'm not sure how to help them! I—

Blaze: Let me take care of them for ya. You go sit down. I gotcha.

Aphmau: Heh, thanks, Blaze.

Blaze:(yells) No worries! This might take awhile, but I got this.

(Aphmau watches as Blaze goes over and talks to them)

Aphmau: Wait, if Blaze can help me, then maybe I can ask my other friends to help me as well. I just need help mentoring and being alpha. (She pulls out her phone and sends a text) "Hey Ein, what are you up to?"

Ein: "Doing some alpha stuff right now. Can't talk. Busy."

Aphmau: "Oh! Good! Then I'll see you around!" (she puts away her phone) Alright then. I'll see if I can get someone else to help me with the mentoring stuff.

(The camera changes to her asking Katelyn for help on the field)

Katelyn: Aph, I would love to help you, but, I have to coach my girls.

(Then, she asks Garroth and Laurance by their lockers)

Garroth: Aphmau, you know we'd love to help you, but,

Laurance: We have to go to lunch with our girlfriends. Sorry.

(Then, she asks Travis and Dante, who are in the nurse's office for some reason)

Travis: Yeah, see, we'd love to, but...

Dante: But Travis and I are playing sick to get out of a test. We're in the nurse's office, so you know we're committed. (They both start coughing, and lay down on their beds)

(Aphmau walks away and walks through the hallway for a bit before pausing)

Aphmau: Aww, no one I know can help me! (What about Kai?) No, Aph. You gotta tough it out. You can do this! Which means, I have to keep mentoring and working as alpha. Oh... I wish I knew where Dottie, Rylan and Daniel were! I'd hate to ask them for help, but I know they would help me. (sighs) Well, better get back to work.

(The camera changes to show Ein talking to Dottie, Rylan and Daniel in a classroom)

Dottie: Wait, you want us to what?!

Ein: I want you guys to pick one of you to be the new omega.(nooo)

Rylan: Uh, us? B-but why?

Ein: Someone has to be the omega, and you three... just happen to be the weakest.

Dottie: I- I mean, yeah, we kinda are, b-but why?

Ein: Because I'm the alpha now.

Rylan: B-but—

Ein: Now pick one of you to be the new omega.

Dottie: We won't!

Rylan: Yeah! I'm not doing it.

Ein: Fine. Then he's the omega. (pointing to Daniel)(me:nooo he’s to precious😭)

Daniel: What?

Dottie: What?!

Rylan: No way!

Dottie: Daniel can't be the omega! He can't fight!

Ein: I fought when I was the omega, he can too.

Dottie: Yeah, but you can hold your own in a fight. Daniel can't!

Daniel: I don't like to hurt things!

Ein: You're a werewolf. It's natural.

Daniel: But I'm not good at it!

Rylan: Make me the omega instead.

Dottie: Or me!

Ein: Too late. You both should have volunteered before. My decision is final. Daniel is the new omega. (He walks away)

Rylan: Why, he—

Dottie: (sighs) Stop, Rylan.

Rylan: But, he—

Dottie: We can't oppose him, we're just pups. Plus, if we do, it'll make things hard for Aphmau. You remember how hard it was for her to pick an alpha.

Daniel: Y-Yeah, it's okay, guys. I'll be fine.(me: I’m gonna cryyyy)

Rylan: Daniel!

Daniel: No, I want to help her. So I can deal with this.

Dottie: We'll deal with this together, Daniel. Let's leave Aphmau out of this. We trust Aphmau, and if she trusts Ein, then that's good enough for us.(STOP TRUSTING)

Rylan: Right. (He hugs Daniel, and Dottie talks to him and supports him. The camera turns to look out the window, then the outro screen comes up)
