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"Dream Come True"

"Now Kiss!"


At the boat (SS. Gate)

Derek: Hmm, Where is everyone?

Rachel: Perhaps they're at the park, darling. We did arrive late after all, so I don't blame them.

Derek: Yeah, but, even the guide? I would have thought he would've been here.

Change camera to Ice-Cream place

Guy: *Gasp* Did you feel that?

Nate: Feel what?

Guy: My host senses are tingling! Back to the boat!

Nate: But... Ice-Cream!

At the boat (SS. Gate)

Rachel: Well whatever the case, the guide is probably out enjoying himself; and we should too.

Derek: Ahhgg!

Rachel: Derek?

Derek: It's still bothering me, the fact that Zack is here, It irks me to no end.

Rachel: Derek we spoke about this, I thought you were going to wait on worrying until Garte got here.

Derek: Ehhh.

Rachel: Come on Derek, there has to be something to get your mind off this. Hmm, how about some pancakes?

Derek: Well I mean... It has been a while since I've had pancakes.

Rachel: See? *Giggle* How about we get something to eat first?

Derek: That, actually sounds pretty good.

Rachel: *Giggles* Ok, come on, lets find the kitchen.

Zane's room

Kawaii~Chan: Umm, well, I may not be able of going to Starlight Wonderland; but at least I can enjoy this comfy bed, He he he he.


Kawaii~Chan: Ahhh, spoke too soon! Gahhh.

Derek: Ah, I could've sworn this was the storage rooom.

Rachel: Now, now, calm down dear.

Derek: How can I be calm Rachel?! There's no ingredients for pankakes in the kitchen! We just checked, and it doesn't seem to be pancakes anywhere on this boat! It's not fair!

Rachel: *Giggles* Derek, you're acting so childish! I made you pancakes the other day.

Derek: And they keep disapearing! I told you Rachel, is like there's a pancake ghost or something!

Rachel: That's silly darling. Come on. If we can't find ingredients then we'll just relax by the pool. No need to go to a thrill park with you all riled up like this.

Derek: Ehhhh! I just wanted pancakes!!

Kawaii-Chan: Wait! Have I been taking his pancakes this whole time!? That's not good! If they were his then I feel bad. Wait, I have an idea. I have the ingredients for pancakes. I can quickly whip up some for him. I'm going to have to be careful getting to the kitchen, but I can do this!

(Theme Song)

Aphmau: (Laughs) The rollar coaster was so worth it!

Aaron: Looks like you're not getting sick anymore.

Aphmau: We should go on it a few more times again.

Aaron: I'm so down for that, but uh we should take a break first.

Aphmau: Why?

Aaron: I uh, bathroom.

Aphmau: Okay! Um, does the fire hydrant count?

Aaron: Huh?

Aphmau:(Laughs) Sorry, it's a joke. I think the restroom is this way. Come on!

Aaron: You sure took a while,

Aphmau: You spoke to soon. Turns out I was sick after all.
